Weight Loss Articles

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  • Published On: July 14, 2024|6.6 min read|

    “Fat to Fit” : My husband’s story in his own words

    Yesterday my husband had a bit of an epiphany moment and he wanted me to share it. So I've let him take over my blog to tell his story. [...]

  • Published On: July 13, 2024|5.8 min read|

    My thoughts on body positivity and being overweight

    I am all for learning to love ourselves. It's one of the main aspects of my work with my clients as a behaviour change expert and life coach specialising [...]

  • Published On: July 6, 2024|2.5 min read|

    Vote for YOU and your healthy weight

    The UK has recently woken up to a new government. I don't talk about politics in my work, but I do think there are some important parallels with my [...]

  • Published On: July 2, 2024|4.5 min read|

    How to make your weight loss journey feel easier

    We recently went on holiday to Devon, and while there we took a day trip to Somerset. We visited Cheddar Gorge, where we explored the caves, and then went [...]

  • Published On: June 3, 2024|5.7 min read|

    Want to lose weight and keep it off? Stop trying to be perfect!

    You’ve just got on the scales after the weekend/holiday/celebration…[insert the relevant situation for you this time...] Oh ****! That was a bit of a shock….again! Half a stone (or [...]

  • Published On: October 16, 2023|15.5 min read|

    Carbs Make You Fat! Or Do They??

    Do carbs make you fat? This question has populated nutritional debates for a while now. To get to the crux of the argument we first have to understand what [...]


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    Preparing for Successful Weight Loss – the e-Book (Instant Download)

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    The YourOneLife High-Protein Recipe Collection (Instant Download)


Weight loss FAQ’s

Claire Jones is an innovative, award-winning Weight Management Expert and a Successful Weight Loss Author, having been able to maintain a healthy weight for over a decade after overcoming 25 years of yo-yo dieting.

Using her unique framework, she exercises people’s minds for weight loss, with a focus particularly on long term serial and ‘yo-yo’ dieters, helping them to reach and maintain a healthy weight through developing a better relationship with food and with themselves.

In addition to her personal experience, Claire has decades of professional experience in the field of healthcare management and working with people to solve problems. After overcoming it once and for all she turned her passion and experience to helping others to overcome their battles too. She left her 20 year NHS career, retrained in the areas of life coaching, nutrition, personal training, hypnotherapy and NLP techniques in order to provide a holistic and tailored service to her clients. Her mission is to help as many people as possible to recognise and harness the power that they have within themselves to manage their weight well for life, being healthy in both mind and body, whilst navigating today’s high-calorie society. She is passionate abut helping those who cannot afford 1:1 services and so has developed a range of services to suit all budgets including publishing her own book, ‘How to Eat Less’, which can be found on Amazon.

Claire lives in Dover, Kent, in the UK with her husband and their dog and cat, their children having grown up and left home in recent years. When not at work, Claire can be found walking her dog, training for a marathon, or tending to her collection of 32 tarantulas!

Claire can be contacted at:


Tel: 07761422647

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