‘Beating Overeating’ with Claire Jones

Your month-long intensive kickstarter programme, followed by 3 months of accountability, to help you stop overeating and gain healthy control of your weight for long term success, without cutting out the foods you love.

It’s time for a happier, healthier, more freedom-filled life away from yo-yo dieting. 

It’s time to rediscover YOU. 

If you’re finding losing weight or maintaining your goal weight difficult, I just want to say this first: you’re definitely not alone. 

It can be exhausting spending so much of your time thinking about what you ‘should’ be doing or ‘can’t’ eat. 

Well, I don’t take that approach when it comes to helping you to lose weight or stay on track. I know there’s a better way to help you reach your goal weight (and stay there!) without cutting out your favourite foods and making yourself miserable in the process.

And that’s what Beating Overeating is all about.

Are you:

  • Keen to lose weight but finding it really difficult – you know you need accountability to help you hit your next goal?

  • Stuck in a pattern of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes… you’ve tried pretty much everything to keep the weight off and nothing has stuck long term?

  • Feeling like you don’t really recognise the person staring back at you in the mirror; it’s massively affecting your ability to show up and deliver in the way you know you can?

  • Feeling conflicted; everytime you go to an event or social occasion, you know there’s going to be a buffet or 3+ course meal and you want to enjoy it…BUT you also don’t want to fall off plan (and feel properly guilty)?

  • Drinking a glass (or two) of wine most evenings to unwind after a busy/ stressful day- you have zero regrets when you pop that cork but then it instantly hits you once you’re awake the next morning?

  • Accompanying those glasses of wine with late night nibbles?

  • Feeling sluggish and hangry by 2pm – you’ve forgotten to eat and have just grabbed whatever’s closest from the cupboard to shove something down and give you the energy kick you’re craving?

  • Looking for a way to feel your best, look your best and get back to feeling like the person you used to be – healthy, happy, confident YOU?

…Then Beating Overeating is for you! 

Join me for 4 weeks of incredible habit changes and mindset shifts, followed by 3 months of accountability, to help you learn how to feel and look like the REAL you again.

You have all the power within you right now to make real, lasting change. Beating Overeating can help you unlock it.

Beating Overeating is a powerful, fast-paced, intensive online programme, meaning you can access it from the comfort of your own home.

It’s live learning 1:1 with me over Zoom every week, for four weeks, plus daily direct access to my support, followed by 3 months of accountability, to help you understand what really influences your behaviour around food so you can take healthy control and find simple ways of lowering your calorie intake for successful, enjoyable and long term weight management.

Pocket-Sized Claire 

As well as the 1:1 online sessions you’ll have me in your pocket for a whole 4 months via the YourOneLife Accountability Portal app, to help you make sure you do the work.

Are you ready to stop putting yourself at the bottom of your priority list? 

Are you ready to invest in yourself, your health and your future? 

If we haven’t met already…. Hey, I’m Claire!

I know just how hard it can be to gain healthy control when it comes to overeating (or to maintain your goal weight!) when there’s SO much around you that can sway you off plan.

Because I’ve been there.

Although for the past 12 years I have successfully maintained a healthy weight, prior to that I spent 25 years struggling with overeating and my weight, feeling like I didn’t quite recognise the person in the mirror staring back at me.

I tried everything to shift the weight- fad diets, lifestyle overhauls, cutting out all treats and sweets.

Yo-yo dieting month in, month out.

Guess what? It made me miserable.

And it breaks my heart that you’re here, hiding your wonderful, incredible self because you feel the same.

Here’s what I learned:

You can absolutely lose weight successfully (and keep it off!) without cutting out the foods you love.

It’s not about depriving yourself of the foods that make you smile.

It’s about balance. It’s about choice. And it’s a lot about inner strength.

I want to help you unlock ALL that!

In Beating Overeating we’ll be focussing on:

  • Understanding the real reason behind why you want to be a healthy weight (and what that looks like for you) so you can stay motivated when it matters.

  • Taking you through the process that we all go through when changing our behaviour so you can recognise potential pitfalls more easily and you can stay on track.

  • Looking at the real reasons why managing yourself around food and drink is so hard so that you can be kinder to yourself and stay motivated to not give up.

  • Making simple changes to how you eat that you can build into your life, so that you can get those results without overhauling everything (and still be able to eat your favourite foods)

I’m really proud of this programme as I know the type of results it can deliver. My amazing clients are proof that self-belief, proper accountability and the right knowledge and support  will help you to hit your target goals. 

Working with me leads to this kind of success:

Disclaimer: results may vary

“Oh hello size 10 jeans 

They’re more like an 11, I’m definitely not back in the rest of my size 10s yet, but I’m most definitely getting there. And I’m celebrating this win!

I was talking to someone recently who’s been losing weight and she said it was so hard. It made me think how I haven’t found the process hard. Yes these been bumps along the way and I’ve definitely felt frustrated at times. But I’ve constantly been reflecting and learning as I’ve gone.

The weight certainly hasn’t quickly dropped off me, it’s been steady and gradual. And I’m happy with that. I feel like I’ve made new habits for life. My mindset has changed in so many ways. I feel empowered and in control.

So far, I’m down 7kg and 9in off my waist.

If I hadn’t taken control when I did then my weight would’ve continued to increase. I’d tried and tried to do it alone but I just felt like a complete failure. I couldn’t make any headway.

So I’m forever grateful for being able to work with Claire Jones 

People often ask me how I’m losing weight. I don’t really know what to say because it’s not one magic bullet. Yes I can pick out what’s helping me. But it’s changes to my mindset that are at the foundation of it. It’s the combination of everything that Claire’s taught me and her support. It’s my constant reflecting and learnings along the way.”

Roxy King-Clark, July 2023

Your Investment

Beating Overeating is £1500, or 4 instalments of £375 per month to split the cost and keep things really accessible. 

If you’re interested in joining this programme, you can book a chat with me here or hit the apply now button below: 

If you are worried about cost…

If you are worried about cost, I would encourage you to review how much you currently spend on things that take you away from your goals.

If you are currently overeating you WILL be able to make savings on what you spend on food and drink to cover the cost of this programme.

For example, a family takeaway each week can cost up to £50-100 – that’s £200- 400 straight away in just one month!

Then the bottles of wine…

The lattes…

The continuous snacks….

The lunches grabbed on the go…

Can you see how it adds up?

Can you also see how you could invest that spending in yourself and your future instead?

If not now, then when? And what’s the cost to you of NOT tackling your overeating head-on?