Intensive One to One Weight Loss Coaching

Energize Your Life

12 Month Weight Loss Transformation Programme

Learn how to confidently lose weight and keep it off for a healthier, happier, more energetic life, without missing out on your favourite foods or social occasions.

“Having worked with you for a year 1:1, I can honestly say from the very bottom of my heart….it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself .”
Dee Airey, November 2023

Storing more energy than we need can literally weigh us down, can harm our health, and can stop us from living the lives we want to lead.

By unlocking it, we can feel lighter, more energetic, healthier and gain the confidence and motivation to do the things we want to do and lead healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives.

The world we live in makes it easier than ever to gain weight, and harder than ever to lose it, as we store the energy from the food and drink we consume because it’s more than we need.

We try to lose weight by going on diets but the results are short-lived and we get stuck on the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster.

My speciality is working closely with long term yo-yo and serial dieters like you, who want to stop the cycle of losing weight only to regain it. We work online so it doesn’t matter where you are.

If you are ready to fully invest the time and money into yourself to learn how to get away from doing one diet plan after another, so you can:

  • finally achieve long term success, and
  • find the freedom to live the life you know you deserve,

then I’m the coach for you.

Niamh’s Story

“The work that Claire does is unlike any other fitness professional I have come across.

Over the years I have engaged with a number of personal trainers and fitness coaches but could never make it stick and would inevitably end up ‘dropping out’ and heavier than when I started. When I called Claire to find out more about the 1 to 1 service, I was at my wits end with my weight and eating habits, after dropping out of yet another online fitness coaching programme and throwing the towel in. I knew I needed some form of support to turn things around, but I couldn’t articulate what it was. I knew that signing up to another ‘better’ or ‘different’ personal trainer was not the answer to my weight issues, but it was all that I knew how to do so I was in a constant cycle of trying to starve myself, exercising lots and then rebelling.

I held a lot of shame, guilt and stress around the way I looked and ate and to some degree thought that my destiny was to be out of control, overweight and miserable.

Claire is the true definition of a critical friend- a friend in that she is gentle and kind, never making me feel judged or awkward, and critical because she will often ask me to reflect on my thoughts, feelings and behaviours. One of my challenges when working on my weight is to withdraw from support and ignore messages and stop tracking, but in the whole time I have worked with Claire I have felt comfortable and able to reach out when struggling and continue to be honest with myself and Claire. It has not been about being ‘good’ or things going smoothly, but Claire has helped me to understand that challenging times are when I can learn the most about myself and my behaviours, whilst having the support and advice to learn new strategies. Tracking over the entire period allowed me to see the true extent of my eating habits and why I was gaining weight (not because my body is broken, but because my average calories were very high) alongside how my weight correlated with this, particularly as I started to enter a calorie deficit. My appetite was insatiable and I thought about food morning, noon and night. I was also spending a lot of time googling miracle diets and exercise plans which wasted a lot of my time and energy.

I was therefore probably half looking for a quick fix and terrified at the idea of not starting to lose weight immediately.

However the first half of my programme was focused on stabilising my tracking, calories and maintaining my weight because at that time I was eating so much and gaining weight so quickly, that I struggled to think about cutting my calories consistently and would often rebel after a few days.
After starting to lose weight in the second half of the programme, some of the stress and anxiety has started to lift as I have been able to see that it is possible, but I no longer feel like I am fighting with my body to do it. I am more exploring ways of eating that support me day-to-day and fit around my preferences, hunger levels and lifestyle, rather than starving all day to have a huge dinner like I was before. The programme with Claire focuses on education and understanding all aspects of eating, how this presents in yourself and how you can implement new strategies- it is very comprehensive. Outside of the regular meetings we have, I link in with Claire via messages and voice clips most days to reflect on all of the learning and how this is showing up in my life. As I have moved into a space where I am losing weight, this has moved into asking for practical support and advice in certain situations (for example: I am going here and this is the menu, can you help me implement the strategy we agreed in this situation). In the early days it was much more about overcoming my struggles and learning to be kind to myself.

I would highly recommend working with Claire if the above resonates with you, as the 1 to 1 programme is like nothing else out there.

The added benefit is that she has lived this exact life that I found myself in, and what more of an inspirational person to support me to come out the other side than someone that has done it for themselves. As a result I am looking forward to my beach holiday this year, knowing that I will feel much more confident on the beach and be able to enjoy myself whilst keeping control. Plus I will have Claire in my back pocket if I need any support and advice whilst I am out there!
Thank you Claire!”
Niamh, 32, August 2023

My Approach

I’m a bit different from others you might have worked with before.

I don’t focus on meal plans, or exercise plans, as there are enough of them available already. Instead I give you a workout for your MIND, and where needed back it up with providing the right knowledge, and help you choose ways to eat and exercise that suit you, so that you can then much more easily do what’s required to lose weight and keep it off.

What’s involved in the 12 months?

I help you to understand your behaviour around food, and learn how to find a better, happier, healthier way, one that is right for you, so you know how you can manage your weight well for life.

We will work together for 12 months as follows:*

Stage 1: Months 1 – 6 The ‘Do THIS Before You Diet‘ Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme, applied bespoke to you. A programme like no other, it puts in the foundations you need for lifelong successful weight management. Up to 20 hours of 1:1 sessions with me over the 6 months, plus daily access to my support during my working hours.   Weight loss starts as soon as we agree that you are ready. This is individual based on how stable your current weight and eating patterns are.

Stage 2: Months 7 – 9 Consolidation of what you learned on the programme, sessions reducing in length and frequency, as you build up your confidence in yourself to manage your weight effectively. Daily support available as required, as above.

Stage 3: Months 10-12 Platinum Accountability Club Membership. 60 mins of 1:1 support per month plus all the other Club benefits  After this,  we will review the support you need going forward, as the aim is to encourage independence.

After the 12 months is up, many of my clients then move into gold, silver or bronze level accountability club, to maintain a little support until they are ready to go it alone.

Further 1:1 support can be agreed on an individual basis.

*Exceptions do apply if you have a need for something more bespoke, which we would discuss on a discovery call.

Your Commitment

I only work with a small number of people on a 1:1 basis at any one time as it is very intensive work and so it is important that you take the commitment seriously before signing up.

Once we have decided to work together, it is important that you keep in touch with me almost every day in between our sessions.

It is the relationship and the teamwork that we develop together that will be crucial to your short and long term success, as you learn the knowledge and skills to be self-sufficient.

Keeping in touch enables that relationship to build, as well as ensuring that you maintain the focus on our work, despite your busy schedule.

I invest a great deal of my time and energy into our work and I will expect you to do the same.

IMPORTANT: If I don’t think you are ready for this level of commitment I will not take you on as a client.

Are you ready to make the commitment to work with me at that level and follow my approach?

Instead of saying “I can’t afford it”, ask yourself “How can I afford it?”

Investing money into effective weight loss support may seem expensive at face value but how much more expensive is a lifetime of continuing to struggle with your weight? What does that cost you in terms of self-esteem, confidence, health, mobility and missed opportunities to live the life you deserve?

What are you currently spending money on that takes you away from weight loss? How can you divert that money towards your weight loss instead?

Or maybe you don’t spend much money on yourself, and tend to put others first, but try to remember that your needs are just as important. 

You don’t just get an hour at a time with me, you get ongoing support, encouragement and guidance between sessions all the time we are working together.

Don’t worry if you don’t believe at the moment that you can do it; we will work on that. All I ask is that you are willing to put in the time and effort, and keep an open mind.

Abigail made the decision to invest in getting support after a long time of not getting anywhere on her own.

Here’s what she had to say when just after we started working together…

“I’ve been struggling to lose weight on my own.

It’s hard for me to admit that, I’m one of the most driven, self-motivated people you will ever meet, but something about losing this weight I gained in pregnancy is a battle I just haven’t had the will power to win.

If I was feeling like this in business, I’d work with a mentor to keep me on track and accountable- so why has this been different?

I think because for my entire life I’ve been a size 10 and able to manage my weight! I don’t think I’ve been able to get my head around what’s changed?

So I’ve had to take a good long look at this… (like a 3.5 year observation 😂) – I ain’t losing the weight alone!

So I’ve made an investment in myself and hired a weight loss coach.

“I can hand on heart say Claire has been one of my greatest investments yet.”

“She is exactly what I’d researched.

Her care and attention on my progress is second to none, and feels exactly what a 1:1 coach should feel like, committed to me.

I am two weeks in, 5lbs down, eating normal amounts of food and enjoying the things in life I didn’t want to give up, just in moderation. 

Thank you for everything so far, you’ve been exactly who I hoped for.”

Abigail’s progress update!

Update: 30th August 2022

“I’ve had another monumental milestone this week…. Who would have thought buying jeans could be so emotional? Obviously losing 2 stone I’m aware that most of my clothes no longer fit, but because of the warm weather I haven’t had to think about getting in jeans! I braved the shops and I’m two sizes smaller! I tried them on and cried, I never ever thought I’d be be this size again. I’ve had to replace my entire autumn/winter wardrobe and it felt amazing. Especially knowing that last autumn I could only really wear leggings with baggy jumpers. I’m most definitely embracing feeling a little more “me” again.”

Update: 24th August 2022

“Another milestone – Today I’m celebrating losing 2 stone (28lbs) – a goal that felt completely unachievable only 3 months ago.

*I’ve included a pic of the week before I started my life change, a recent holiday pic, and this morning trying on jeans that didn’t even fit me 3 months ago that are now two sizes too big!*

There are huge wins (and some other stuff) that comes with this update, and to be true to myself I am going to give you the full picture.

This weight loss has been life changing for me. I just feel so much happier it’s something you cannot put a price on. I feel younger, healthier and I recognise my reflection again. I am 10lbs away from my goal weight (my pre-pregnancy with Polly weight) … and that feels like such an achievement for so many reasons.

Previous updates ..


1.5 stone down… (almost 10kg / 21lbs)

Another milestone ✔️

I can’t even tell you how much happier I’m feeling in myself, my husband says watching my confidence grow again has made him more in love with me than ever 😭

This summer I’ve been wearing clothes I actually want to. This has been massive for the way I feel. I’m actually overjoyed that I need to give the charity shop 95% of my wardrobe.

My knee hasn’t hurt at all for weeks and I had been in agony for over a year.

The best bit, I haven’t deprived myself of anything. No cutting out food groups or living off liquid (or living in the gym, let’s face it – it’s only in my garden and I still won’t go 😂)

This milestone has taken 9 weeks which has included god knows how many family and friend celebrations and two holidays to Malta and Turkey. Feeling so proud of myself knowing I’ve enjoyed all of them and still achieved my goals.

Here’s to my next Milestone!

(I’m 1 stone away from my goal weight which puts me back in the normal/healthy range for my height – it’s been 3.5 years since being in there 😭 it felt impossibly far away and now I feel so close to smashing it!)”

I call it coaching for simplicity but it’s so much more than that.

It’s a bespoke package of coaching, mentoring, education, advice, accountability, guidance and therapy, tailored to your needs.

  • I guide and support you to understand your behaviour and  find and implement the unique approach that works for you, so you can lose weight and keep it off for good, and live the life you deserve.

  • I help you to improve your relationship with food and with yourself, so you can recognise you can do it and are worth the effort.

  • I teach you how to manage your weight in this incredibly challenging food-laden modern world, so that you can manage it for yourself in the long term.

My 1:1 services are ideal for you if:

  • You are prepared to properly invest in yourself and your future for at least the next 12 months.

  • You are prepared to keep an open mind and challenge what you think you know about weight loss

  • You are prepared to check in with me on a daily basis.

  • You are prepared to be patient and work hard, and not expect a quick fix.

  • You have tried various diets but always end up regaining your weight.

  • You know what to do but can’t figure out why you can’t seem to do it consistently.

  • Or, you’ve lost your weight but are terrified of putting it back on, and it’s a daily struggle.

  • You are serious about making a commitment to me, and to yourself.

  • You have a busy, stressful life but you are ready to create the space needed to work with me

  • You have lost faith that you will ever lose weight or keep it off.

  • You are keen to stop repeating the same patterns of behaviour and ending up with the same results.

  • You would love to live your future as your ideal self, feeling as fit and healthy as possible, being able to do all the things you don’t do at the moment because your weight holds you back.

If you’re worried that you can’t afford it…

take a look at your bank statements to see how much you’ve spent on food and drink and other items over the last 12 months over and above the basics.

The very things that take you AWAY from where you want to be.

Try investing it in yourself and your future instead, and see what happens….

You are worth it. 

​Are you ready to take healthy control of your weight once and for all?

Then click the button below.

Got questions? No problem! Just book your free discovery call and let’s chat!

How Will YourOneLife 1:1 Coaching Help You?

Working with me is almost like having me by your side all the time, keeping you on track at the same time as building up your knowledge, skills and confidence to keep going. I help you to learn how to manage your eating behaviours independently by gaining a much better understanding of your behaviour, the reasons behind them, and developing techniques to resolve and/or manage them.

By working with you closely in online 1:1 sessions and through the Portal in between sessions,  I help you to understand what’s behind your behaviour and how you can manage it.

I help you to develop and sustain your motivation for, and commitment to, managing your weight.

I help you to build your confidence, develop your self-esteem and self-worth, increase your accountability, improve your knowledge and skills, and introduce you to new tools that can help you.

In doing so, we improve your relationship with both yourself and with food so that you can learn to manage your weight well for life.

Using my unique Framework for Successful Weight Loss I help you to work out the right approach for you, your life, your personality and your preferences, and keep you on track with it.

It’s also a great way to work on your personal development too, as the skills you learn are completely transferable.

I can even include hypnotherapy, nutritional advice and personal training, or give you an exercise plan if you need it.

While I am not a mental health specialist, people often find that things like anxiety, depression and confidence improve as a positive side-effect of working with me.

Note: This is something we would discuss prior to working together, to see if you are ready as if there is a significant issue that is not under control or resolved and needs specialist mental health support, you may need to work with other professionals to make sure you get the support you need with your mental health prior to working with me.

Other benefits reported by my clients are in increased energy levels, better general health and feelings of wellness, being able to let go of worries about their future health, reduced blood pressure, improved sleep, improved relationships with family and friends, and better performance at work.

I have even helped people with successful job interviews and sports performance as a result of their increased confidence and fitness..

I can also help you if you have successfully lost weight but are struggling to keep it off.

What will happen?

Remember, before you can achieve and maintain a physical transformation you need to make the mental transformation.

Are you ready to invest in yourself to make the transformation happen?

Money Back Guarantee!

I know my Intensive 1:1 Coaching  is highly effective, and I am willing to bet money on it. 

If you provide evidence that you have attended all your appointments, completed all the actions and used all the resources provided, but can demonstrate after 12 months that you have not made any progress with your ability to manage your weight, you will get your money back, guaranteed!

What others say

YourOneLife Framework for Success™

My unique approach is to work around your life, not around a set plan.

I help you to develop the right understanding of your behaviour, develop the right mindset and provide you with the right knowledge, skills and tools, so that anything you apply them to becomes MUCH easier. I help you solve your own unique weight loss jigsaw puzzle using the YourOneLife Framework for Success™

Find out how I can help you put an end to yo-yo dieting and lose weight for good!


Pay in 12 equal monthly instalments of £497

Pay in Full £5950

The following payment plan is available if you choose to pay over 12 months. 

The first payment of £497 is due immediately to secure your place, and the rest monthly until your balance is paid. Your package must be completed within 12 months of starting. The exception is if you pay a deposit when I operate a waiting list and your start date is more than a month after you paid your deposit.

In this case your next payment will be due on the date of your first appointment, and the remaining 11 monthly payments will be the same date of the month as your first session.

Please note: by signing a contract you are liable to make all payments. They are due monthly as per the above terms, regardless of how many sessions you’ve actually had by the time your next payment is due. 

See bottom of page for more details about the terms for payment plans.

What Happens after the Programme is Completed?

Once you have completed your 12 month programme and you can continue in the Accountability Club for ongoing support and accountability. Prices for that start at £39 per month. Further 1:1 sessions can also be arranged according to your needs.

IMPORTANT: TERMS FOR PAYMENT PLANS  (see full terms and conditions for more information)

Please note that if we agree a payment plan, you will be liable to make all payments once the 14 day cancellation period has passed.

I do not have to offer a payment plan for my Programme but I do so to make it more affordable for those whose budget will not stretch to paying up front. 

This is an important part of the commitment you make to me, and to yourself, when making the decision to work with me. 

Payments must be paid on or before time, and late payments WILL be chased. 

As it is vital that our relationship is built on trust, please do not risk damaging our relationship by paying late.

Late payments will result in interest charges as per the full terms and conditions and service will be withdrawn until payment is made.

What Others Say

Claire is a lifesaver

I’ve been working with Claire for nearly six months now and I’ve made more progress in those few months than I have in the last nine years. And not just progress with my physical health, I’ve made huge progress with my mindset, behaviour, how I feel and how I cope with difficult situations.

Claire has helped me to make huge changes, one small step at a time. I’ve never felt overwhelmed or any pressure from Claire, only encouragement.

Every time I reflect on how far I’ve come, I am astounded by how much Claire has taught me in such a short time, and it makes me even happier to know that what I’ve learnt from her are things I can take away for life, not just the short burst of my weight loss journey.

Like so many people, I’ve lost and regained weight over and over again, but Claire is teaching me a long-term sustainable solution to losing weight and becoming healthy. I now recognise there is no point in shedding the pounds if you don’t accompany it with learning new habits and unlearning bad habits.

Claire is incredibly knowledgeable and explains complex psychological theories into digestible, understandable concepts that help you form new ways of thinking and, in turn, help you overcome things you just couldn’t figure out why you previously couldn’t do. Not only does she deal with the mindset, she also gives you practical day-to-day help and support.

The thing that drew me to Claire when I first got in contact was when she said, “People often wait until they’ve understood the reason ‘why’ they are doing what they do, but you can so easily waste a lifetime trying to figure that out. You don’t have to wait until then to take action; it’s often once you start your journey that you begin to understand the ‘why’.”

This really resonated with me, as I’d wasted so much time trying to understand what is wrong with me, which has led me to not address my poor health until years later. But it’s never too late, and while the journey to becoming healthy may seem daunting, Claire breaks it down into achievable mini-goals that make the journey seem far less scary (and more manageable)!

For anyone struggling – not only with health issues, but with any ongoing difficulties –  I would highly recommend reaching out to Claire. You are one phone call away from making the best decision of your life!

Anna, London

It is the first time I have been able to work with someone like this, without feeling ashamed about being me.

“Working with Claire has been an eye-opening experience. She is ever so patient and really invested our time together in finding out exactly where I was in terms of weight, food and exercise, before starting to work on making changes.

Working with Claire has given me so much more insight into my habits – both good and bad ones. She has helped me drill down into the reasons behind my stubborn weight gain, while building my confidence in addressing the relevant issues.

More importantly, Claire has given me permission not to be perfect – not once has she made me feel that I am not trying hard enough. Rather, if I do get myself into that cycle of “beating myself up” over an unexpected gain, she is always at hand to help me work through that emotional response in order to regain balance.

Claire’s approach is completely different to any other I have tried – she recognises that one size does not fit all and helps you tailor your work with her to suit you and your needs.

I have worked with Claire on a 1:1 basis for 2 months and during this time lost 4kgs, in a measured and sensible way, without feeling overly deprived. I would really recommend biting the bullet and booking in some sessions with Claire – both the individual and group support is superb – well worth the investment of both time and money. You won’t regret it!

Oh, and don’t forget to buy her book … excellent read.”

ECJ, Tonbridge

Book your free chat here

To find out if we’d be a good fit

Please book your appointment using the calendar above and you will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which you must do at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. This is to ensure we make the most of our time together and can determine the most appropriate next steps for you. If you do not complete the questionnaire, your appointment will not be able to go ahead. 

Please note, in booking your appointment you agree to sign up to the YourOneLife email list, which will send you useful information to help you manage your weight,  and you will be the first to have access to any special offers that I run.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

For any queries or if you have any difficulties completing your questionnaire please email

I look forward to speaking with you.


  • No payment is required for the Discovery Call, which is no obligation.
  • Following the Discovery Call, if you decide to sign up to 1:1 coaching, payment of your initial instalment will be required in advance to secure your contract.
  • Appointments are non-refundable if cancelled within 24 hours (exception is 14 day cooling off period – see full Terms and Conditions)
  • Minimum usual contract term 12 months and all sessions must be used within 12 months of starting.
  • Instalment plans available on request, subject to signing a contract.
  • You will be liable to make all payments agreed even if you decide not to complete the programme, once the 14-day cooling off period has expired.  

Claire Jones is an innovative, award-winning Weight Management Expert and a Successful Weight Loss Author, having been able to maintain a healthy weight for over a decade after overcoming 25 years of yo-yo dieting.

Claire Jones has been featured in

Using her unique framework, she exercises people’s minds for weight loss, with a focus particularly on long term serial and ‘yo-yo’ dieters, helping them to reach and maintain a healthy weight through developing a better relationship with food and with themselves.

In addition to her personal experience, Claire has decades of professional experience in the field of healthcare management and working with people to solve problems. After overcoming it once and for all she turned her passion and experience to helping others to overcome their battles too. She left her 20 year NHS career, retrained in the areas of life coaching, nutrition, personal training, hypnotherapy and NLP techniques in order to provide a holistic and tailored service to her clients. Her mission is to help as many people as possible to recognise and harness the power that they have within themselves to manage their weight well for life, being healthy in both mind and body, whilst navigating today’s high-calorie society. She is passionate about helping those who cannot afford 1:1 services and so has developed a range of services to suit all budgets including publishing her own book, ‘How to Eat Less’, which can be found on Amazon.

Claire lives in Dover, Kent, in the UK with her husband and their dog and cat, their children having grown up and left home in recent years. When not at work, Claire can be found walking her dog, training for a marathon, or tending to her collection of 32 tarantulas!

Claire can be contacted for interviews or expert opinions at:

Tel: 07761422647

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