Preparing for Successful Weight Loss – the e-Book (Instant Download)


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  • Want to lose weight but can’t get started? Or lose it but always regain it?
  • Struggling with willpower or motivation to keep consistent?
  • Lost faith in yourself that you can ever lose weight?
  • Not sure what to do?
  • Then this is the book for you!

For less than the price of a takeaway you can start to uncover what’s holding you back from losing weight and take steps to transform your life!

It’s a no brainer!

What does the e-book cover?

Click here to read more details or stay here to read the most important information and purchase your download so you can get started straight away. 

What happens after you’ve paid?

You will be able to click the link on your order confirmation screen to download your product.

You will also get an email confirming your purchase, which will also contain the link to download the e-book.

It will download to wherever your chosen device stores downloads, so please check your manufacturers’ instructions if you can’t find it.


Please note this e-book is not suitable for you if you have a history of diagnosed eating disorders or significant trauma, or if you have an active mental health problem that is not well-controlled.

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Please note this e-book is protected by copyright. The download link is for your use only and the digital file or pages printed may not be shared or copied without the express permission of YourOneLife. Thank you.



Read Antonio Basini’s Testimonial

Based on my highly successful programme, if you follow everything in this e-book you will greatly enhance your chances of losing weight and keeping it off. It goes through all the steps you need, taking you through the YourOneLife Framework for Success.

It’s so important though to DO THE WORK that’s in it. So once you have purchased, come and join the free and exclusive online support group to help you implement what you learn. 

If you think you will need more help and support, then do my Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme. The videos will take you through it, plus more, and make sure you get the work done. Choose from Do-It-Yourself (£47) or One-to-One options (prices start at £240 per month).

What’s in the book?

It covers all aspects of the YourOneLife Framework for Successful Weight Loss and includes thought-provoking activities to help you with the following:

Motivation and Commitment

  • Develop a long term vision, and find out why you want it
  • Find out whether it’s what you really want
  • Find out how much you want it
  • Find out what’s been holding you back
  • Find out how to increase your motivation and commitment
  • Learn the difference between motivation, willpower and discipline, and when and how to use them.

Self-belief and confidence

  • Develop your self-esteem and sense of self-worth
  • Build on previous experience of what has worked for you
  • Recognise your current strengths
  • Learn how to build new ones
  • Learn how to apply them to your weight loss journey and stop sabotaging your efforts

Ownership and Responsibility

  • Recognise that YOU are in the driving seat
  • Recognise emotional eating
  • Recognising your triggers and pitfalls when it comes to food, sticking to a regime etc
  • Learn how to sit with uncomfortable feelings
  • Learn how to make trade-offs and compromise
  • Develop ways to stay accountable without getting emotional

Knowledge, Skills and Tools

  • Develop strategies to work through or around obstacles
  • Learn how to plan, and put the right structures and support mechanisms in place for you
  • Improve knowledge of how weight loss works
  • Improve knowledge and skills around healthy eating
  • Learn top tips for reducing food intake without dieting
  • Learn how to get the best out of fitness gadgets
  • Understand the role of exercise in relation to weight loss

Bringing it all together; goal setting and making plans

  • Understand the pros and cons of different weight loss approaches
  • Choose the right approach for you
  • Understand the importance of flexibility
  • Set realistic goals (not idealistic ones)
  • Make your plans

You can print the e-book at home or work through it on your computer or other compatible device. If printing, please bear in mind it is 84 pages long so make sure you have sufficient paper and ink. It is set to print in A4 but you can save paper and ink by printing 2 pages per sheet – if you do this please bear in mind that the text and activity spaces will be much smaller so you may wish to use your own notebook to do the activities. If using it electronically, please note the form filling function works best on a computer.

Also, why not join my Accountability Club where I run group sessions to help people work through the activities, to ensure you get the best out of them. Check it out!

You may also be interested in the YourOneLife Preparing for Weight Loss Programme, which is what the book is based on, and there are different options to suit your budget with prices starting from just £47. You can find out more here.


Please note this e-book is not suitable for you if you have a history of diagnosed eating disorders or significant trauma, or if you have an active mental health problem that is not well-controlled.

© Copyright 2021 Claire Jones
All Rights Reserved.
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Please note this e-book is protected by copyright. The download link is for your use only and the digital file or pages printed may not be shared or copied without the express permission of YourOneLife. Thank you.

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