Dee’s Story – how can I afford NOT to do this?

“Oh my gosh, where do I begin? It’s been a long journey and every step has been so worth it. Working with Claire Jones for over 18 months on a one to one basis has had a huge impact on my entire life.

I’ve learned so much and I can’t begin to even explain. I started out not knowing what to expect and just when I thought I knew what to expect in our sessions, Claire would teach me more.

She’s helped me transform into my real self to be real and true to myself and to connect with my why’s. I never knew such a teeny tiny woman could walk into my life and explode it.

I’m so happy and it’s not just a physical thing. The mental and emotional transformation is important by equal measure.

If you haven’t worked with Claire intensively you really are missing out.

People always think money very quickly. How much will this cost me?

For me when I add up the decades and I’m not exaggerating of money spent on diet clubs, I can’t believe it. I actually did a rough calculation and nearly fainted and then weighing up the fact that at 57 I cannot afford not to.

It was a no brainer. Type two diabetes, high blood pressure and all those things are so much more expensive to me.

Anyway, if I had my time again, I’d go straight to Claire. Thank you for helping me get my life back. It’s been a heck of a ride.”

Dee Airey, June 2024

To find out about how my approach works in practice, watch this video of me being interviewed by one of my Programme graduates, Luna, who came to me when she was on an uncontrolled spiral of weight gain and who realised that if she didn’t do something now, she was destined for a future of being overweight and unhealthy.

I’m pleased to say we soon turned that around for her.

What People Say about YourOneLife

Visit FacebookGoogle and TrustPilot to see all my 5 STAR reviews!!!

Please note: I am fiercely passionate about enabling my clients to feel safe and all our work is confidential so some testimonials are anonymous and/or have no photos.


6 Month Intensive 1:1 Programme

I naturally had reservations if this programme was right for me as I had ‘failed’ so many times before.  I thought I knew all about diets and exercise, but after trying some very radical weight loss approaches, and ending up back where I started, I knew I had to try something different. I had some medical challenges and if you listen the the media and other people – it seemed impossible for me to lose weight consistently and long term.

Claire had a way of bringing me to her way of thinking from the start. Even though I lacked belief in myself, Claire was so certain that there was no reason I couldn’t do it, her programme worked and it would work for me, so I ‘borrowed’ her belief and trusted the process.

It took quite a few weeks before I actually started believing that maybe this approach could work, but with around 5 stone to lose, and my own impatience to manage, I needed to test this out for a while and see if it worked.

Claire delivered every single week. I have a list of ‘what would Claire say’ quotes on my wall to help me reframe my relationship with food and control my eating. At the end of the programme I have a file of tools and notes and I honestly do consult them regularly, not just stuffed in a draw like my old slimming club books.

I have lost 1 stone 3 pounds on the programme, whereas before I was gaining around half a pound per week. It’s not a life changing amount (yet) but I am continuing the same level of weight loss every week since I finished. I know Claire is there for extra support if I need it, and I have the tools that I need to help me continue the journey to target weight.

Claire’s programme has given me a new perspective on weight loss, health, exercise, and mindset that I didn’t even know i needed!

If you have a chequered past with weight management, and need a fresh approach, I’d highly recommend Claire’s programme.

Abigail Horne before and after weight loss with YourOneLife

Abigail Horne

Intensive 1:1 Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

I’d been struggling to lose weight on my own.

It’s hard for me to admit that, I’m one of the most driven, self-motivated people you will ever meet, but something about losing this weight I gained in pregnancy is a battle I just haven’t had the will power to win.

So I made an investment in myself and hired a weight loss coach.

I can hand on heart say Claire has been one of my greatest investments yet.

She is exactly what I’d researched.

Her care and attention on my progress is second to none, and feels exactly what a 1:1 coach should feel like, committed to me.

I’m now 3 stone down…

Katherine Barham-Jones

1:1 Bespoke Service 

Claire’s guidance and support was paramount in me achieving my goal of 4 stone 10 pounds weight loss which in May 2020 seemed impossible! 6 months later I hit my goal! I can clearly see and feel the difference it has made to my health and confidence and I have now kept it off for a year. I am confident now that I will be able to keep my weight off for life.



Accountability Club 

I have never felt this confident that I will actually be able to achieve my goals before. I have been able to easily add some good habits to my life which are making a massive difference to how I feel about weight loss and keeping it off. Since doing the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss programme in 2020 and working with Claire in the Accountability Club since then I’m 4 stone down so far.

Heather N YourOneLife coaching testimonial

Heather Northcott

1:1  Bespoke Service  

I have had a weight problem for most of my life. I successfully lost 5.5 stones on LighterLife, but could not maintain for more than two years. Life got in the way. I had several attempts with Cambridge but could only manage 3 days before I was eating carbs. It seemed my will power had deserted me. I was desperate for a long term sustainable approach. I saw Claire’s advertisement and thought, why not give it a go. That was 12 months ago. During that time, I have learnt so much about myself. Why I have over eaten, to compensate for losses in my life. Food doesn’t hurt you. Then the cycle of self loathing, because you’ve over eaten. I never felt full.
I was also trying to stop smoking. A short time after I started seeing Claire, I did stop smoking, but was then rewarding myself by eating. Nothing was easy, more loss and heartache followed. However, Claire gave me the tools and the support that I needed to succeed. My weight loss journey has not been meteoric, but it is steady. I have the will power to say ‘no’, I love myself and I am worthy to be loved. I have, for perhaps, the first time in my life, invested in myself. It’s been worth every penny to get this empowerment in my life. It really is ‘YourOneLife.


A Basini before and after

Antonio Basini

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book 

“It’s not a diet, it’s not an exercise plan. I’d describe it as a tool to get your brain in shape first -then your body follows.”

During lockdown I was clinically obese and continued to put on weight. I needed a hip replacement and was too heavy to go on the waiting list for the surgery.

I had been battling my weight since childhood and being a chef for 30 years wasn’t helping!

My partner put on some weight during lockdown too and turned to an e-book by Claire Jones of YourOneLife Healthy Weight Solutions, to get her in the right mindset to shape up after months of inactivity and boredom eating. It was called Preparing for Successful Weight Loss.

I have never been good at diets but she started the e-book and saw real results and wasn’t cutting out any food groups.

I had a sneaky look at her copy that she’d printed off one day and ended up reading the whole e-book.

It’s not a diet, it’s not an exercise plan. I’d describe it as a tool to get your brain in shape first -then your body follows.

I lost over 6 stone and it’s the first time I’ve ever been able to lose weight and keep it off. In August I had my hip replacement and now I’m very proud to say that for the last 3 weeks I’ve been going to the gym 3 times a week!

I never thought I’d be someone who goes to the gym, and it’s early days as I’m still recovering from major surgery but I finally have control over food, and my body.

I can’t thank Claire enough for this easy to read but life changing e-book.

It really helps you see where your weaknesses are and change your mindset.

You pick your own ways to lose weight and so therefore it’s easy to stick to because you don’t feel like you are punishing yourself.

I honestly don’t think I will ever go back to my old lifestyle and I’m not on a ‘diet’ I’ve just learned how to take back control.

I’m so glad I sneaked a peak at that e-book!

Antonio Basini October 2022


Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book

After my battle with covid, I was left exhausted and out of breath for months, even a flight of stairs was a struggle for me. Now I’m happy to say I feel great.  I’ve lost 1stone 6lbs! couldn’t have done it without Claire at YourOneLife, and her amazing e-book Preparing for Successful Weight Loss.

This book is not another fad diet or an impossible exercise plan. It’s full of useful ways to reset your thinking around food. I didn’t realise until I read this how unsupportive of myself I am.

Highly recommend if anyone, like me, has over-eaten over lockdown for emotional reasons or due to boredom.

This book could be your new best friend, £10 that could change your life!


Rick Jones

1:1 Bespoke Service 

With Claire’s help I developed a vastly superior understanding of my own bad habits and have beaten them to achieve a better lifestyle. I have now easily maintained my 4 and a half stone weight loss for a year and no longer worry about my health. Claire is a very capable and knowledgeable expert and well worth the self-investment.

Heather Keen

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

The Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme is fantastic. At the beginning, I thought it would just help with my motivation, but I learnt so much from the programme about the psychology behind what we eat and why. It was a real revelation to me, I had always thought that as I ate quite healthily, I just needed to tweak what I was doing, but I came to realise that I was not listening to my body when I ate but just continuing old habits that no longer serve me well.  It really made me recognise that if I wanted different results, I needed to change what I was doing. I’ve now lost my excess pounds and have every confidence I am going to keep them off this time.


Gemma Gardner

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss E-book

Claire is great at listening. She is so knowledgeable and I love that she uses personal experience to help others set and manage their personal goals. She’s friendly, easy to talk to and has a real passion when it comes to helping people. I would 100% recommend Claire to anyone.

Jane Kelly

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

I can honestly say that working with YourOneLife has changed my life! Sounds dramatic but it has. I have lost 4 stone, thrown away my old clothes (that I hated and were not me at all) and for the first time in my life enjoy the food I choose to eat and am in complete control. If you need a jump start and a way of finding your true self, I cannot recommend working with Claire enough.


How to Eat Less book

How to Eat Less is as digestible a book on conscious weight management and control that is available out there. Claire distils her almost 3 decades of initially struggling but then succeeding in her own personal battles and is now sharing her own sustained success in a series of simple and pragmatic tips. Not all will be relevant or useful but I’ve successfully used most at various times as part of my overall well being focus. I eat and drink less of the bad things and savour the good things. Thanks Claire.


Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book 

I highly recommend Claire’s Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book. If you are reading my testimonial, it is obvious that you want to lose pounds you have gained over the years. All of us are motivated, but so many times we destroy our own dream of losing that weight for so many complex reasons, each of those varied reasons personal to ourselves. However, once you have read Claire’s e- book which will take you on a journey to “Re-discover Who You Are”, your dream and ultimate goal becomes so much clearer and easier to achieve.

Claire’s e-book will teach you to re-define what is important to you, helping you to understand why you have failed on so many occasions in the past to lose your unhappiness that hides beneath your clothes.

Work your way through the tasks slowly and as you do so you will not only re-discover Yourself, but a new approach to losing your weight, a new way of eating, and a New “Happy You”. Good Luck!

Natasha Cook

Christmas Survival Programme 

Over many years I have always thought Christmas was a time where you could eat and drink what you want and when you want, and then deal with the consequences afterwards. This however has been detrimental over the years as I could never get self control and always thought of food as a treat where in actual fact it can become more of a self sabotage. The Christmas Survival Programme has really given me many tools from an increase in self awareness, self empowerment and an increase in confidence and self belief. I managed my food and feel so much better in doing so and after the week of putting on 2lbs it has now come off again as I focused on healthier foods thanks to Claire’s daily support. I am going forward into the new year feeling more energetic and motivated and having the ability to choose sensibly. Thankyou Claire for your support, this programme has been incredibly helpful.

Emma Covell

Christmas Survival Programme

I would thoroughly recommend Claire and this fantastic Christmas Survival Programme. You may think that calling the Christmas Survival programme life changing is a bit extreme but I would disagree. I have spent many Christmas’s binging to the point I feel sick and deeply regretting my actions come New Year. This year yes I have gained a couple of pounds but that was fine as with Claire’s help I implemented a weight gain that I was comfortable with so now I’m not full of regret, and I haven’t ruined all my hard work by gaining a lot of weight in 2 weeks. The skills I learnt from Claire will be used throughout this coming year and beyond. Thank you Claire!

Gemma Dunn

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

As a result of participating in the January 2022 group version of the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme and reading the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book  I took the plunge and rejoined Slimming World 2 weeks ago with a totally new mindset. It was my first weigh in on Monday and I’d lost 7.5lb! That’s the most I’ve ever initially lost. With Claire’s mindset coaching and useful tips I feel more on track than ever and I’m enjoying it.

Jodie Lingard

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme 

The Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme is great!

I have said to my partner how clever it is and even noted a couple of people management techniques and said ‘aha! Clever!’ Lol.

I really do feel like I’m in a good place with my mindset and the Programme is definitely helping. I’m really loving it so far! 

Elaine Ellender

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme and Hypnotherapy  

Struggling with my eating habits I had a hypnotherapy session with Claire. She immediately put me at my ease and was professional but her caring nature shone through. The script was clearly tailored to my needs and Claire recorded the session so I could listen again to keep it fresh in my mind.
I am 100% confident in recommending Claire and her services she has followed up several times to make sure everything is going well. A totally great experience for me.

Nell Testimonial for Persona Training


Personal Training 

I had 4 sessions with Claire, initially so that she could teach me how to use my resistance bands. She did that and more! Once I got the resistance band workout down, she suggested some other equipment could be helpful. She also suggested a body -weight workout that can be used if I am away from home with no equipment.

I now have 4 different workouts that I can use interchangeably, depending on my ability at the time, my mood and preference and also the amount of time I have. She has also given me guidance on how I can increase difficulty/intensity of the exercises as my fitness improves.

Claire was so professional, but also so friendly and approachable. She welcomed any questions I had and fully explained everything.  She listened to what I wanted and she helped me to achieve it.

I would definitely recommend Claire, she really knows what she is talking about and she really cares. I will definitely contact her again when I am ready to make my next step forward.

Luna Wolf

Intensive 1:1 Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme 

Through the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme Claire proved to me that I can do it. Beforehand, I tried a bit, I gave up, I tried a bit I gave up. Claire pushed me through that threshold, where I realised where I was going wrong on my own. And that knowledge basically then carried me through into a different dimension of being. That’s how it feels to me. Claire changed not just my weight, she changed the way I feel on the inside. She changed how I handle anxiety, how my skin is. Everything, every single part of me has changed for the better.

Gemma Dunn

Christmas Survival Programme 

The Christmas Survival Programme really helped me to navigate the festive hols. I find Christmas and New Year tricky with so many tempting foods and drink and with no routine it’s easy to over indulge. The support offered by Claire provided useful advice and practical tips to help me to plan the holidays and to make better choices. I found the accountability very helpful and as a result I enjoyed the holidays without piling on unwanted pounds. I feel like I’ve discovered tips for life and I can now manage the holidays on my terms.


Kat McArdle

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

The Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme has held a spotlight up to my motivation and focus, giving me a greater understanding of why I have made poor eating choices previously, and tools to help me avoid making those same decisions in the future

Jenny Barnes

Accountability Club 

I’ve been a member of the YourOneLife Accountability Club for a few months now and I’m really happy to be here. Claire’s unique approach to weight loss is a breath of fresh air. She has helped me put an end to a 30+ year food addiction without any drama, upset or hard work! I can honestly say that her support has been nothing short of life changing, and I can’t recommend her enough.

Emma Covell

How to Eat Less book

I have always struggled with my weight but How to Eat Less has helped me in so many ways. It’s given me new ideas, and enforced ideas I already had. It’s fantastic. As I read the explanations for each tip it made them seem more achievable.

It’s a definite must have. I thoroughly recommend it!

Gemma Gardner


To be honest I always thought hypnotherapy was a load of nonsense. Growing up, I watched those TV shows where people got ‘put under’ and then got told to do silly things, was it real or were they actors and getting paid? Either way I didn’t want someone putting me under and not being in control of my body. However knowing Claire and the amazing work she does, I decided to give it a try to help me with my pre-marathon nerves. Claire started the session by explaining to me exactly what was going to happen and completely put me at ease. I was in control during the whole session and I just felt incredibly relaxed. After the session, I wasn’t sure whether it was going to work but I know I had a really peaceful night instead of a restless one. I woke feeling relaxed, confident, excited and yes I still had nerves but not crippling ones that would impact my performance. During the most difficult times of those 26.2 miles and when I needed to calm myself, I used the anchor which we discussed during the session and I could visualise myself crossing that finish line. Not only did I complete my first marathon, I actually enjoyed it and managed to finish it in under 5 hours. Before the session, I told Claire I had hoped to finish in under 5 hrs 30. I can’t believe what a difference one session of hypnotherapy made but believe me it did! So if you struggle with any of the following, I would 100% recommend Claire and hypnotherapy.


Gemma Dunn

How to Eat Less book

How to Eat Less is a great, easy to follow guide. It’s full of lots of useful advice and simple tips.

Sam Gillam

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme 

I now truly understand the personal reasons why I have succeeded and then failed in the past, where my pitfalls have been and have the tools now to stop that journey once and for all.

Ann C

How to Eat Less book

I found How to Eat Less to be a book well written and full of helpful advice. As I went through I recognised my bad habits; I found the suggestions about how to deal with them realistic and easy to implement. I particularly liked the section on not being a human dustbin and eating all the leftovers. The idea of sunk cost is a good way to think about not doing that.

It isn’t a long book but in my view that’s no bad thing. I hate having to plough through pages of flowery prose before getting to the point.

Tashii Louu Clark

Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

Doing the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme created a shift in mindset. My desire to feel healthier & lose weight is now stronger than my fear of doing so.

Sarah Kempster

Accountability Club 

I’ve lost almost 2 stone since I started the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme in March and joined the Accountability Club!

I want to thank you Claire. Losing weight is so so hard but after many many years of trying to lose weight my mindset has totally changed. It is still hard at times but thanks to you and your programme, for the first time I really know I can do it.


How to Eat Less is the book I have been waiting for. It offers down-to-earth and do-able tips to help everyone who wishes to lose weight without losing out on the enjoyment of eating. I have been applying these tips to my own eating and have achieved remarkable results, almost effortlessly! I highly recommend this book

Patricia Page

I wish I had found How to Eat Less years ago, it’s so sensible.

Amanda Wilkinson

Claire doesn’t teach you exercise routines or provide meal plans, if a quick fix and being spoon fed is what you’re looking for, go elsewhere. What Claire does is to help you understand why you behave as you do, why you overeat, why you are fearful of losing weight, why you just rebound back to your old weight, and she then helps you rebuild your behaviour and gives you a range of ideas to try. She helps you make changes in your mentality and behaviour that will lead to an end to yoyo dieting and the constant round of diets. She doesn’t promise a quick fix, but she does promise that, if you work with her, you can make that permanent fix, and she’s living proof that this works and she truly understands how it feels. I’ve been working with her and the fabulous support group, and already understand so much more about myself, and am excited for what’s to come. I’m not dieting, I’m simply changing my relationship with food, exercise, self care, hydration – all the things necessary to live a healthy life. I’ve got a long way to go, but Claire helps you believe that you can do this, as she believes in you and she cares.



Thank you so much for a brilliant course; I can’t begin to tell you how much it has helped me! I now feel I have the knowledge and skills to maintain my weight; already lost a few pounds; so not many to go now!

I continue to have weekend problems; but far better than they were before the course; so still work to do!

I have loved both your Christmas programme and the New Year programme! I can see the passion in what you do and you have found the perfect career path for you and your lucky participants!



One to one weight loss coaching is definitely a journey worth investing in as I know I would have slipped back to the same old bad habits if I wasn’t with Claire.



I have been working with Claire for about 18 months now and have been fortunate enough to benefit from several opportunities she has offered during this time. The first course I attended in August 2020 was eye-opening – her approach is so refreshing and practical, while allowing you to dig deeply into the reasons for one’s struggles with weight loss and creating a space to change habits of a lifetime. I would highly recommend investing time and money in working with her, but if that is difficult, do buy the books.

The content will never be a substitute for the personal, 1:1 help, however,  the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss and How to Eat Less e-books are  like having a mini-Claire in your pocket, with practical advice and encouragement to seek out what really matters to you – your reasons for losing weight.

Thank you so much Claire!



The Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book is written so well, everything is so clear and understandable, even though you’re covering some very complex ideas. I found it so relatable…. I’ve read some other weight loss guides and books and this is really up there.



I have struggled for over fifty years with my weight; I have now found a new way of doing things!! I now realise it is your mindset that needs to be worked on first; no diet alone will work!! I am so grateful that I found Claire and would highly recommend her programmes to anyone who is struggling with their weight! This is definitely the way forward and am so excited for 2022.


The Netherlands 

Finally, a modern and effective approach to weight loss. Claire Jones has written a clever, science based weight loss guide. It draws on scientifically proven facts, many taken from positive psychology.

In the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss e-book, Claire very objectively hands you the tools and facts without ever becoming judgemental. She teaches you how to use your best tool, your mind, to control your emotions and behaviour.

I was only half-way through this book, when I knew that this time, I was going to reach my goal. Her clever way of approaching losing weight via mindset and controlling your emotions takes weight control to a whole new level.

I have been waiting for a guide like this, without even knowing it.

Sarah K

I loved how straight forward it is. Practical, every day tips that are easy to implement. Using the advice in How to Eat Less has helped me lose 6lbs this month already.



I was very nervous and stressed about an upcoming interview, so I had some hypnotherapy with Claire to help ground me, whilst maintaining my focus. I listened to the session every night and used the techniques moments before I was called in for the interview – which I truly believe helped me to remain calm but determined – would highly recommend! (PS I got the job!)


After just my first hypnotherapy session with Claire I experienced positive effects on my eating behaviour. The suggestions made by Claire during the session impacted immediately on the size of the portions I ate and this positive effect has continued since. I am delighted with this progress and highly recommend Claire’s work in all respects. Thank you, Claire.


I knew I didn’t need a new diet plan, as it was my behaviour and mindset that needed work. 

I’m feeling really great. My weight is far from where I want it to be yet, but my eating habits have always been so out of control I thought I would never gain control. A combination of lockdown (ie all takeaways and shops closed) meant I had the perfect opportunity to take control, and I got into a place where food didn’t control me. I thought I’d lost it, but thanks to your advice, I feel like I’m in control again.

I know it seems daunting to be told to track what you eat when you just want a resolution, but the last few weeks have been a real eye opener into my habits. And I was able to see the stark reality of how much and why I was eating. In the past I’d never be able to be so honest with a coach, but I never feel judged by you which means I can explore the true habits and thoughts I have around food.



Claire has helped me to make huge changes, one small step at a time. I’ve never felt overwhelmed or any pressure from Claire, only encouragement. I am astounded by how much Claire has taught me in such a short time, and it makes me even happier to know that what I’ve learnt from her are things I can take away for life, not just for my weight loss journey. Like so many people, I’ve lost and regained weight over and over again, but Claire is teaching me a long-term sustainable solution to losing weight and becoming healthy. I now recognise there is no point in shedding the pounds if you don’t accompany it with learning new habits and unlearning bad habits

Sarah Kempster’s experience of the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss Programme

At the beginning of March I had had enough with being overweight but not knowing where to turn for support and I did not want to go back the weight loss groups I had been to before as I knew I needed a different approach as I have yo-yo dieted for 30 years! I started the Preparing for Successful Weight Loss programme mid-March.

I did the DIY version so I could be flexible and go at my own pace so it fitted in with my busy life. The first assignment on Motivation and Commitment helped me from the start.

It is not a diet plan but it helps you decide the best way for you to lose weight and helps you with whatever weight loss programme you decide to do.

I am doing it through tracking food and counting calories. Claire helps you really think about your goals, motivation, learning from previous weight loss efforts and gives honest and practical help.

Claire has also shared her story so I know she knows what I am going through. The Facebook groups have really helped since I finished the P4SWL course and now I am a member of the Accountability Club.

This, as well as the other YourOneLife Facebook groups, gives me extra support. Claire does live sessions each week, these are available on catch-up if you miss them.

In these sessions she will address issues that have come up from members. There is no getting away from the fact that losing weight is hard, this will not be a quick fix, but Claire has given me the tools I need to lose weight for good.

I have lost nearly a stone since I started and I already feel more confident and in control of my life. I have a long way to go but for the first time I know I can do it.

E’s* experience of 1:1 Coaching with YourOneLife

“Working with Claire has been an eye-opening experience. She is ever so patient and really invested our time together in finding out exactly where I was in terms of weight, food and exercise, before starting to work on making changes.

Working with Claire has given me so much more insight into my habits – both good and bad ones. She has helped me drill down into the reasons behind my stubborn weight gain, while building my confidence in addressing the relevant issues.

More importantly, Claire has given me permission not to be perfect – not once has she made me feel that I am not trying hard enough. Rather, if I do get myself into that cycle of “beating myself up” over an unexpected gain, she is always at hand to help me work through that emotional response in order to regain balance.

It is the first time I have been able to work with someone like this, without feeling ashamed about being me. Claire’s approach is completely different to any other I have tried – she recognises that one size does not fit all and helps you tailor your work with her to suit you and your needs.

I have worked with Claire on a 1:1 basis for 2 months and during this time lost 4kgs, in a measured and sensible way, without feeling overly deprived. I would really recommend biting the bullet and booking in some sessions with Claire – both the individual and group support is superb – well worth the investment of both time and money. You won’t regret it!

Oh, and don’t forget to buy her book … excellent read.”

ECJ, Tonbridge

*I respect that working with me is a very personal thing, which is why I don’t expect photos to be provided and why not all my clients are comfortable to share their names and faces with a testimonial. But I can hand on heart say every single one is 100% genuine.

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