How to Eat Less (Paperback) Direct Order


It’s fantastic, I love all the tips. A few I knew but then as I read your explanations for each tip it made them seem more achievable.

Emma, Ashford


Are you struggling to manage your eating habits but can’t bear the thought of signing up to yet another diet programme?

I get it. You are not alone. It’s really hard to manage when we can get anything we want, at any time, and temptations are everywhere.

When we’re tired, hungry, upset or stressed, or even celebrating, the last thing we want to worry about is following a diet.

But the good news is, it IS possible to learn to gain healthy control over our eating habits, no matter what is going on in our lives, and without following a diet.

This book will show you how, in easy-to-implement steps.

How to Eat Less is a handy guide to help you safely eat less if:-

  • you are not ready, willing or able to go on a diet, but want to get better control over your eating;
  • you want to cut down a bit and make some improvements to what you eat; or
  • you have lost weight and want to keep it off.




It all makes sense to me, easy to read and absorb.

Dave, Maidstone

I remember how hard it used to be, always feeling in conflict; feeling driven to eat too much, and not being able to resist all the foods I knew were so bad for me, and at the same time as wanting to lose weight and be comfortable and healthy. I just didn’t know how to manage myself around food. But eventually, with help, I figured it out, got on top of my behaviour once and for all, and now I have been a healthy weight for 10 years.

A crucial part of my journey was to break old habits and create new ones, as well as get better at listening to my body. How to Eat Less contains the day-to-day practical things that I have found the most effective, and how I still apply them to manage my weight to this day, in order to help other people who are struggling like I used to struggle. People like you.

Success lies in not just WHAT and HOW MUCH we eat, but also HOW we eat. So by making a few simple changes it is possible to get results without trying too hard. How to Eat Less is an easy to read, simple guide where you will learn…

  • How to overcome mindless snacking … so that you don’t end up eating more than you realise.
  • How to manage your portion sizes…so that you can eat to satisfaction without overeating.
  • How to consume less energy but without getting too hungry…so that you can stay in control.
  • How to eat according to what your body needs, not what your mind wants… so that you are eating for the right reasons.
  • How to gain more control over your eating…so that it doesn’t feel like such an effort all the time to do the right things.
  • Where secret calories may be hiding…so you can stop them getting in the way of your results.

Following what you learn in this book will greatly increase your ability to manage your weight, without going on a diet.

69 pages, black and white, no pictures

I’m already implementing your suggestions and feeling so much more in control.

Barbara, France

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