• Published On: October 16, 2023|15.5 min read|

    Carbs Make You Fat! Or Do They??

    Do carbs make you fat? This question has populated nutritional debates for a while now. To get to the crux of the argument we first have to understand what [...]

  • Published On: July 6, 2023|11 min read|

    Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Weighing up the Pros and Cons

    What’s all the Fuss About with Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss? Modern society has made life easier on many fronts. Cars to take us long distances, supermarkets provide an [...]

  • Published On: April 10, 2023|14.5 min read|

    The Weight-Loss Myth: Why Exercise Alone Isn’t the Answer

    Previously I talked about calories in. Now we need to talk about calories out. There is tremendous pressure on us to exercise to lose weight, and as I said [...]

  • Published On: March 22, 2023|14.2 min read|

    How Understanding Calorie Intake Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

    Calorie critters Today’s article is all about calories. Specifically, calories in. But what even are calories? You may have heard that calories are those devious little critters that sneak [...]

  • Published On: March 11, 2023|16.2 min read|

    Why it’s not as simple as ‘eat less move more’ to lose weight

    Eat Less, Move More We are consistently bombarded by the message “eat less and move more”  by the fitness and health industry, as well as the government. But what [...]

  • Published On: March 5, 2023|14.1 min read|

    How to Make Weight Loss Feel Easier

    Weight loss for many people is hard. Avoiding putting on weight is also hard. Gaining it is easier than ever. Why? We live in a very food driven culture [...]

  • Published On: June 4, 2022|2.8 min read|

    When managing your weight do you ever track your food?

    It's a controversial topic and not recommended for all but in my personal and professional experience it's a very valuable exercise in increasing our understanding of what we're eating, [...]

  • Find it hard to lose weight
    Published On: May 31, 2022|4.7 min read|

    Don’t find it easy to lose weight? It’s ok… there’s a good reason, and once you know what it is, you will find it easier…

    It's ok that you don't find it easy to lose weight, or don't know what to do at the moment...so I want you to stop beating yourself up, right [...]

  • Published On: January 21, 2022|2.7 min read|

    If I can cut my hair short, you can lose weight!

    If you think you can't lose weight, think again. I had my hair cut short this morning! In a sudden moment of clarity 2 weeks ago I realised that [...]

  • Published On: January 19, 2022|2.9 min read|

    What you can learn about weight loss, from a cat on an escalator

    It struck me though, as I was watching it, that there is a very important message here. The cat being picked up by a kind stranger and placed at the bottom of  the 'up' escalator represents that when we realise that actually we need some support,  we find the right approach and have someone to guide us to it, it suddenly becomes a whole lot easier. Then there's no stopping us and we can achieve our goals.