• Published On: June 3, 2024|5.7 min read|

    Want to lose weight and keep it off? Stop trying to be perfect!

    You’ve just got on the scales after the weekend/holiday/celebration…[insert the relevant situation for you this time...] Oh ****! That was a bit of a shock….again! Half a stone (or [...]

  • Published On: March 22, 2023|14.2 min read|

    How Understanding Calorie Intake Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

    Calorie critters Today’s article is all about calories. Specifically, calories in. But what even are calories? You may have heard that calories are those devious little critters that sneak [...]

  • Published On: January 19, 2022|2.9 min read|

    What you can learn about weight loss, from a cat on an escalator

    It struck me though, as I was watching it, that there is a very important message here. The cat being picked up by a kind stranger and placed at the bottom of  the 'up' escalator represents that when we realise that actually we need some support,  we find the right approach and have someone to guide us to it, it suddenly becomes a whole lot easier. Then there's no stopping us and we can achieve our goals.

  • Published On: January 14, 2022|3.1 min read|

    Who’s on YOUR weight loss support team?

    One of the most important things to do when managing your weight is to have the right team of people to support you. Who's on YOUR weight loss support team? Do they know that the times when you're having a wobble are the times when you really need them to be able to step in and lift you back up, and not tempt you with takeaways and other things that will take you back to where you were and not where you want to be?

  • Published On: November 30, 2021|2.5 min read|

    How to Lose Weight in the New Year

    This year can be different. This year, you can finally be the healthy weight you deserve to be.

  • Published On: November 12, 2021|2.7 min read|

    Uncovering Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon. What we can we ALL learn from Sports Champions.

    What sets sports stars like Emma Raducanu and Novak Djokovic apart from the many hard-working, naturally competent tennis players in the world?