• Published On: June 3, 2024|5.7 min read|

    Want to lose weight and keep it off? Stop trying to be perfect!

    You’ve just got on the scales after the weekend/holiday/celebration…[insert the relevant situation for you this time...] Oh ****! That was a bit of a shock….again! Half a stone (or [...]

  • Published On: April 10, 2023|14.5 min read|

    The Weight-Loss Myth: Why Exercise Alone Isn’t the Answer

    Previously I talked about calories in. Now we need to talk about calories out. There is tremendous pressure on us to exercise to lose weight, and as I said [...]

  • Published On: March 22, 2023|14.2 min read|

    How Understanding Calorie Intake Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

    Calorie critters Today’s article is all about calories. Specifically, calories in. But what even are calories? You may have heard that calories are those devious little critters that sneak [...]

  • Published On: March 11, 2023|16.2 min read|

    Why it’s not as simple as ‘eat less move more’ to lose weight

    Eat Less, Move More We are consistently bombarded by the message “eat less and move more”  by the fitness and health industry, as well as the government. But what [...]