• Published On: June 3, 2024|5.7 min read|

    Want to lose weight and keep it off? Stop trying to be perfect!

    You’ve just got on the scales after the weekend/holiday/celebration…[insert the relevant situation for you this time...] Oh ****! That was a bit of a shock….again! Half a stone (or [...]

  • Published On: November 12, 2021|2.7 min read|

    Uncovering Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon. What we can we ALL learn from Sports Champions.

    What sets sports stars like Emma Raducanu and Novak Djokovic apart from the many hard-working, naturally competent tennis players in the world?

  • Published On: May 12, 2021|2.3 min read|

    How are your weight and your mental health connected?

    Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 How are you? How are you really? You may already be aware that it's Mental Health Awareness Week this week. It has reminded me [...]