At Christmas, do you…

  • pick at chocolates and other snacks and lose track of what you’ve had? 

  • overeat then feel guilty?

  • struggle to understand why you behave the way you do around food and drink?

Do you want to break this pattern and wake up in the New Year feeling fantastic, knowing that you’ve enjoyed all your favourite foods, without piling on loads of weight?

Then the Christmas Survival Programme is for you. It’s the best gift you could give yourself this festive season. 

You’ll get structured support to guide you through the festive fortnight, so you can enjoy yourself without ruining your waistline or missing out on your favourite foods.

  • 12 days of guidance including the first 3 days live online support (available on replay)

  • A supportive Facebook group where you can share your questions, struggles, and wins.

  • Secret Santa prize for the most supportive member of the group

Places are limited. If you want to join us click the link to register below.

Registration closes at 23.59pm on 18th December (UK time)

Programme Starts Monday 19th December 2022


(all videos will be available to watch on replay if you can’t make them live)

  • Day 1: Monday 19th December – live video at 7.30pm, setting the scene and identifying your challenges 

  • Day 2: Tuesday 20th December – live video at 7.30pm, establishing realistic goals and expectations  

  • Day 3: Wednesday 21st December – live video, 12.30pm, making your plans  

  • Days 4 – 11: daily email sent with task for the day to help you stay focussed

  • Day 12: Friday 30th December – live video at 12.30pm, debrief how it went, and prize giving 

 Experiences from the 2021 Edition

Emma Covell

“I would thoroughly recommend Claire and this fantastic Christmas Survival Programme. You may think that calling the Christmas Survival programme life changing is a bit extreme but I would disagree.

I have spent many Christmas’s binging to the point I feel sick and deeply regretting my actions come New Year. This year yes I have gained a couple of pounds but that was fine as with Claire’s help I implemented a weight gain that I was comfortable with so now I’m not full of regret, and I haven’t ruined all my hard work by gaining a lot of weight in 2 weeks.

The skills I learnt from Claire will be used throughout this coming year and beyond. Thank you Claire!

Natasha Cook

“Over many years I have always thought Christmas was a time where you could eat and drink what you want and when you want, and then deal with the consequences afterwards. This however has been detrimental over the years as I could never get self control and always thought of food as a treat where in actual fact it can become more of a self sabotage.

The Christmas Survival Programme has really given me many tools from an increase in self awareness, self empowerment and an increase in confidence and self belief.

I managed my food and feel so much better in doing so and after the week of putting on 2lbs it has now come off again as I focused on healthier foods thanks to Claire’s daily support. I am going forward into the new year feeling more energetic and motivated and having the ability to choose sensibly. Thank you Claire for your support, this programme has been incredibly helpful.”


Gemma Dunn

“The Christmas Survival Programme really helped me to navigate the festive hols. I find Christmas and New Year tricky with so many tempting foods and drink and with no routine it’s easy to over indulge.

The support offered by Claire provided useful advice and practical tips to help me to plan the holidays and to make better choices.

I found the accountability very helpful and as a result I enjoyed the holidays without piling on unwanted pounds.

I feel like I’ve discovered tips for life and I can now manage the holidays on my terms.”