• Published On: February 12, 2022|0.1 min read|

    What does it mean to be a healthy weight?

    Click here to read my article on the Life Coach Directory website to find out what a healthy weight means for you.    

  • Published On: January 21, 2022|2.7 min read|

    If I can cut my hair short, you can lose weight!

    If you think you can't lose weight, think again. I had my hair cut short this morning! In a sudden moment of clarity 2 weeks ago I realised that [...]

  • Published On: January 19, 2022|2.9 min read|

    What you can learn about weight loss, from a cat on an escalator

    It struck me though, as I was watching it, that there is a very important message here. The cat being picked up by a kind stranger and placed at the bottom of  the 'up' escalator represents that when we realise that actually we need some support,  we find the right approach and have someone to guide us to it, it suddenly becomes a whole lot easier. Then there's no stopping us and we can achieve our goals.

  • Published On: January 14, 2022|3.1 min read|

    Who’s on YOUR weight loss support team?

    One of the most important things to do when managing your weight is to have the right team of people to support you. Who's on YOUR weight loss support team? Do they know that the times when you're having a wobble are the times when you really need them to be able to step in and lift you back up, and not tempt you with takeaways and other things that will take you back to where you were and not where you want to be?

  • Published On: January 11, 2022|4.8 min read|

    Make Sure You Fill the Weight Loss Gap

    Weight loss is hard because it usually means cutting down on our favourite, high calorie foods, and this leaves a big gap. Discover what you can do to fill that gap.

  • Published On: December 30, 2021|6.5 min read|

    THIS is why it’s so hard to lose weight. But it’s not impossible. Read this to find out more.

    "Why is it so easy for me to put on weight and why is it so hard to lose it?" ...is something I get asked a lot, usually from [...]

  • Published On: November 25, 2021|15 min read|

    How to Stop Eating Your Emotions

    When working with clients or in my Accountability Club, or in enquiries I receive, the number one barrier to weight loss seems to be emotional eating. I have [...]

  • Published On: November 3, 2021|8.5 min read|

    Why is it so easy to put on weight and so hard to lose it? Here’s 10 things you can do to make it easier.

    How many calories more than your body needs do you think you need to eat every day, to put on a stone in a year?